Finding Your Niche In Course Creation

How To Find Your Niche In Course Creation 

Finding your niche can be very intimidating but the good news is that most times what we are looking for outward is what we have inside already.  In conception when we are born we are all born with gifts and talents sometimes these gifts are not revealed right away but if we take the time to do our work and dig deep you will be surprised at what we have inside that is a gift and answer to a finding our niche.  So your next question should be ok so how do i do my work here are a few steps to start doing your work

Steps To Your Niche

  • Carving Out Time for yourself
  • Write your thoughts on paper
  • Make a list of things you enjoy
  • List some things you are good at and dominating
  • What do you enjoy doing without being paid 

What this list will do is propel you into action and start the process for your course creation , one of the keys to creating your course is to create the subject title once that is developed you have laid the foundation and the rest of your work would be to develop your outline for your course take your students on a journey with you  taking them from having no knowledge on a subject and laying out the steps for them to learn not just the steps but the practical moves they need to make to mastering whatever you have taught them.

Course creation is best with a well thought out plan of execution, and finding your niche is the first step, and a lot of times the hardest but all it takes is to press the start button you are in the driver's seat you choose the destination and you choose where the course ends.  discovering your niche will set you up to move forward in course creation you can build multiple courses , begin a series of courses/a masterclass/sub categories under that one topic/ Memberships  the sky's the limit.
